The brand of nature

Wellness since 1886

Click on the red milestones to explore our history.
Two further production sites of the company have been located in Moldova since 2011. Here, valuable essential oil is primarily extracted from plants such as dill, sage, clary sage, origanum and fennel.
After more than 136 years, the company's own distillery for the production of precious essential oils is built again at the company's headquarters in Thal/Assling (East Tyrol).
The Vitalpinum wellness and adventure garden at the company's location in Tal/Assling is opened and has been enjoying numerous visitors ever since.
In the 1970s, the Waldmännlein brand was the first skincare line based on pure mountain pine oil.
Our three brands Unterweger, Vitalpinum and Pinamor also stand for our claim to the highest quality. The company does its utmost to preserve the positive powers and effects of alpine medicinal plants and to pass them on through its products.
In 1886, the brothers Johann and Ignaz Unterweger founded the First Tyrolean Mountain Pine Oil Distillery in Thal/Assling in East Tyrol - close to where the company is located today.
From the 1990s onwards, there was a change of brand. Since then, the cosmetics have been distributed under the name "Unterweger - Nature's Brand". Over the years, the company has developed various care lines for skin, muscles and joints.
The brothers present their conifer oils at the world exhibitions in Barcelona and 1893 in Chicago.

Respecting the ground, allowing nature to breathe: since the very beginning, respect for the environment has been elementary in the company's philosophy and still characterises it. This is fortunate, because it is reflected in the pure quality of all products that are offered today under the "Brand of Nature" - and in their effect on body and soul.

Pure air, healthy climate: feeling good is in the nature of things in the Tyrolean mountains. What grows here has power. Unterweger spreads these vital properties for the benefit of people - with innovative production processes.